Sunday, September 21, 2014

Women Rights and Liberalism

                                                   Its a very responsible topic to start, Because whenever you are said to write on responsibilities of someone and their role in the
society it becomes difficult.I'd Start the topic with famous quotation of Nepoleon

Women are the ones responsible for the education of entire nation.The Respect that should be given to them can be understood by the fact that today if we are
working,are successful, alive just because of that respectful Being. Even If She is in role of Sister, Daughter ,and the most Respectful Relation i.e Mother
.Nations always do prosper, when u educate the women of society ; You are making a sign of prosperity for the nation
and country.Education among women shouldn't be compromised at any Cost. They are supposed to teach the whole nation. Young one's When come to the World, They should see this
society and world with broader prospect.

                        I'm really ashamed to write that such a respectful personality is treated in very inhumane way.They are supposed to work the whole lives for their
families and are said to Look after their children. I was feeling very delirious writting about this topic, but i must say its the most difficult topic anyone can write about,
you really feel ashamed . That what would you write? what would you describe about the current scenario about women? . Today if we keep servants ( female ) , They are
treated not better than animals. We just dont look deep into their souls. They are with us due to their compulsions. No one ever likes to work on orders, Not you, not me. Not anyone
among us likes to be treated in such a way.Just for a while , Think if you were at their place WOuld you have ever liked to be treated in such a brutal way? No never . We are born
with desires , though we are rich or poor. We always have desires , They dont exist with your state in which are living. Just look deep into your souls, whether u are satisfied with
you doings or not. You may regret afterwards but that would be lame.Try to respect them, Treat them as you wanted to be treated .

Liberlism and Women:-
                      Everything carries with itself some negative aspects. While I was writting the topic, I thought most of the poeple would object me on this. But I always
move on with what is the fact.See the things with positive aspect.When you talk about the abuse of women rights, A question is
raised about the liberal activities of Women.Freedom is totally the right of women, But people move with some limitations, regarding things that matter in society they always
succeed in life.Everyone thinks with different point , but what matters is what the fact is? . We always have to accept things.But Women should be contented with their lives
and a person can be contented when he is satisfied with life in this world and hereafter.I dont say they should sit in homes and do work. They should work more and more and get
involved in the prosperity of nation and country. But freedom never exceeds a limit when freedom becomes immodesty. Believe me no one gets in hall of fame following liberlism
, People always get famous and prosper just because they follow some rules and regulations in their lives.Everyone has its right to live, But when you talk about abuse of women rights
then you must talk about the liberlism in women.

Education and Women:-
                       In Pakistan, in many areas they are still un-educated and are married when they are imature
. Women's Education is more neccessary than a male. You'd be able to get a good nation on behalf of providing good education to Women of society.They should be Educated as much as they can be.
In South Punjab, Women are still treated in a very barbaric way. They are still unaware of their rights. They are still living a life of slavery.The prime duty and responsibility of Family and Government
should be teaching Women at every age and make them aware of their rights. Otherwise , no matter how much we study we wont be able to get a good nation. Many of our Talented women are wasted just because
they are unaware of their rights.World Wide They may not be so uneducated, But still i feel ashamed to say that most of areas are lacking education system for women.
I must say some of the people hide their daughters just because of our disrespect that we give them.


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