Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Well in  a country like PAKISTAN we have only a limited number of institutions of which we can be proud off certainly our MEDIA does fall in that category. For years Pakistani media remained under the thumb of our rulers, they used it to malign their opponents, they used it to twist the facts and boast their so-called development works and also they used it as a platform where they can defend various corruption etc charges, the state-owned media PTV still continues to be under the Govt’s thumb, seeing PTV you would probably think that the government hasn’t put a foot wrong and Pakistan is on the verge of being the best nation in the world.
But coming back to the main point, 2007 Lawyers movement was a massive turning point in the history of Pakistani media, really it was. I personally witnessed that feeling of like “enough is enough” get rid of this dictatorship, end this one-man rule over all the participants of that movement, and then Mushaaraf’s blunder to impose emergency and ban different TV channels in PAKISTAN stirred that movement and took it to a different level, I could see daily on the constitution avenue in ISLAMABAD, different anchors e.g KASHIF ABBASI, NUSRAT JAVED, MUSHTAQ MINHAS, HAMID MIR, ASMA SHERAZI etc etc, conducting their shows on the roads in the midst of massive anti-musharraf crowd. I could see the media changing , I could feel that the PAKISTANI MEDIA FRATERNITY that was for years under the shackles and trying to break free, they were really revolting against the government, they had made this issue of maligning the media and judiciary their very own, daily we could see shows, and documentaries, various songs like “HUM DEKHEIN GAY- LAZIM HAI KEH HUM BHI DEKHEIN GAY” were being played 24/7. Media certainly became an important pillar of the state beside judiciary and executive.
In the years to follow, media continued to move forward and enlightened the ever so ignorant masses of PAKISTAN, they brought to light many important issues like various corruption scandals, various rape cases, atrocities being conducted in the “WADERA “ system of Pakistan etc and many of these issues were either resolved or they were given a fair run the judicial system of PAKISTAN. But as an observer now for about last year and a half Pakistani media has considered themselves above law and considered themselves immune to any sought of inquiry or some sought of questioning etc. Anchor persons now- a-days try to bully the participants coming in their show, media now is considering itself a game-changer they are thinking that they can over through any govt. and bring in any new party into a power. Yes a strong vibrant media is considered as a nation’s back bone but now media is making false use of their power they are breaching all levels of privacy. Now-a-days when you see various channels you would clearly distinguish between the channels on the basis of which party they are supporting. One  channel without naming is 24/7 bashing the govt. they are on the verge of proving that the PAKISTAN currently being ruled by some ISRAELI GOVT. or something.
Another channel is totally on the govt. side, I am personally of the opinion that any news channel or media house supporting any one particular party shouldn’t be allowed to continue their telecast, because when bias creeps in to your journalism then it isn’t journalism it can called anything else. Another thing that really offends me is that the quantity of foreign content on our media channels, Turkish dramas, indian dance shows and dramas and comedy shows are really helping INDIA’s cause I still remember INDIRA GANDHI’S quote “ We are going to conquer PAKISTAN through culture”  so all these issues require severe brain storming, we got to think who is on the right side and who is on the wrong side because MEDIA is only one of various institutes of our country that the Europe is afraid of and we got to address this issue seriously and as soon as possible. PAKISTAN ZINDABAD!!!

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