Monday, September 29, 2014

How I View Leadership?

When people hear the word, leadership, the first thing that clicks their mind is the picture of a man with high position, fame, stature and significance, leading a nation. But in actuality, that is not the case. We live in a society obsessed with public opinion. But leadership has never been about popularity, my dear fellows. I say, if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you’re a leader. One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. 
We need to know that leadership is action, not position. It is how you motivate others to make progress. It is the struggle to attain good, and show others the way. It’s the fortitude of taking the world with you. Leaders are those people who don’t force others to follow, in fact, they invite them on a journey. Fuchan Yuan once said and I quote: there are three essentials to leadership: humility, clarity and courage. To me, a leader is someone who reaches the highest standard of character; not to become the richest in means, but in spirit; not the greatest in worldly position, but in true honour; not the most intellectual, but the most virtuous; not the most powerful; but the most truthful, upright, and motivating. Not only this, his every struggle is to inspire others for the better. His actions speak the language of audacity, purpose, and success. Because, afterall, my dear fellow, its rain that brings flowers, not thunder. Not the cry, but the flight of a wild duck, leads the flock to fly and follow!
Ladies and gentlemen, a leader is made, not born. He is a same ordinary person, but with extraordinary determination and faith that he can bring a change. He is someone who, in matters of style, would swim with the current; and in matters of principle, would stand like a rock. 
John C.Maxwell describes a leader as someone who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. 
Fellows, the task of a leader is to get its people from where they are to where they have not been. From what they have seen to what have not even imagined! If we turn back the pages of history, we ave countless examples of influential leaders whose actions define them. Our Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh), Quaid e Azam, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew jackson, Eleanor Roosevelt, Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill etc So you see, all leaders are a balance of Charisma, Passion, Inspiration, Progress, Vision, Risk, Determination, motivation and respect!
This Latin proverb stands absolutely correct when it states, it is absurd that a man should rule others, who cannot rule himself. I believe, to be a leader, we have to enlarge our vision, retrain our brain, increase confidence, attract the good, seize the profitable opportunities in our path, step forward daily, believe in ourselves,  in others, and get others to believe in themselves too. We need to have courage and take risks, because if the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. You! Yes, you.. Inside you is untapped potential, you have unlimited value! We all can be leaders. Jjust consider the past, evaluate the present and create the future.
SO I would say, there dwells a leader in every one of us, just give it a chance and let it out.
I would like to conclude on a poem by victor Antonio……
I went on search to be a leader,
Searching high and low above the meter,
I spoke with authority that I remember,
All would follow, all but one member, 
“Why should I trust you?’ the one did ask,
“What have you done to achieve the task?”
I thought long and hard of what I did wrong,
Then I rolled up my sleeves and worked right along,
Shoulder to shoulder we got things done,
We worked side by side, all were one,
A mate of mine stumbled, I stooped to assist,
My hand he did grab, a smile did persist,
One was lost, didn’t know what to do,
I showed him how, the ropes, something new
I praised them one and all for their work,
All were unique, but I encouraged each quirk,
When the task was done, one did shout
“You’re a great leader!” they all turned about,
"Without you there to support our plight,
Lost would we be with no end in sight",
I learned that day that I lead best,
When I get off my butt and help the rest,
To lead by example is the true treasure,
The secret of leadership, in one simple measure.

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