Friday, September 26, 2014

Non-marriageable age and Women

Marriage enhances the cognizance between two people. Its for sure a life lasting decision that has to be taken by people. Marriageable age is a basic and most dispute-able content that should be discussed. Countries where illiteracy and unawareness is present, Mostly those people are facing such problems. Every country have some laws regarding marriage and to resolve the issues.

In Pakistan, Marriageable age is the most dispute-able content. According to UNICEF, In Pakistan 70% of girls are married under the age of 16. And 50% of Girls are married before the age of 18. How can  we expect such type of relations would long last?. Illiteracy is the major reason for such kind of issues. Many medical problems ensue because of non marriageable age ceremonies.

In Pakistan, another custom that is known as "SWARA" involves elderly or respected people of that society to resolve their family disputed or unpaid debts by marrying of girls. How ridiculous is this?. Family disputes would be resolved by abdication of your daughters?. Believe you me , in this custom girls most married are between ages of 5 to 9 . Its really soul menacing thing.  

Such type of customs are adapted on majority of age issues and age of consent. But such laws should never be adapted where a life is no more worthy. Life is blessing by GOD, should be protected . It should be seen as a "Living Statue", Our Religion taught us to avoid such things. If we really do that , we are going back to old age. This isnt civilization, this is in real sense the cruelty by the society. Women should be respected in every part of the world. Their rights should be respected.

Government should implement a system that allows only certified marriages. They should build some institutes in Non-developed areas, where this is more common. People who force their daughters to marry in child-age should be handed over to the police and those who involve their daughters in family disputes and to pay their unpaid debts should be hanged over to death.