Monday, September 29, 2014

Why is the Muslim Ummah divided?

For us to be united, we must first understand the reasons of our DIVISION.
 1. JAHYL (ignorance): Many Muslims are just Muslims by name, they know nothing about their religion.   Its like claiming whats right, but not following it. Unaware of your own truth.
2. BLIND FOLLOWING OF THE IMAMS: Preferring their fatawas over Qur'an and Sunnah.
3. MISINFORMATION and MISINTERPRETATION OF THE TEXT: Qur'an and Sunnah are not interpreted properly and thus create confusions and fabrications.
 4. HAWA (evil desires): Some Muslims want to treat the Qur'an like a plate of food, they take what they want and they dump what they don't want.
They want to have one foot in Islam and one foot in Christianity, one foot in deen and one foot in Democracy, one foot towards Allah, the other towards this world… one door in Islam and one foot in modernization.. they clasp the roots of Islam, yet follow Shaitan.
Firstly, the Saudi Salafi is a Zionist conspiracy which was set up to dismantle the Shariah. Saudi Arabia is in the pocket if America, and America is in the pocket of Zionists and the Zionists are in the pocket of the Shaitan.
 Second is Sufism.. to promote democracy because they don't want to do Jihad.. and Jews trying to impose their own rule over the whole world, over the Muslims, through a democratic state, funds, paper currency and on the name of aids.
 The SHIA movement is another conspiracy, which was started by the Jews.
 How can you a member of Ahlus Sunnah wa Juma'aah who love Abu Bakr(RA) and Umar(RA) unite with a shia who hate Abu bakr and Umar?
 Not only these, there are tonnes of conspiracies going on everywhere where Muslims reside, just to bring them down, crush them.
How can we be united when we have so many conspiracies in the Ummah?
 6. HYPOCRISY: The more you love the Dunya the more hypocritical you are, but the less love you have for the Dunya the more sincere you are as a believer.
The more you love the Dunya the easier it is for the kuffar to buy you out.
 7. DISEASES OF THE HEART: The kuffar have infiltrated us with RACISM, with NATIONALISM, with TRIBALISM. And this is further breaking us down into groups.
 (I've seen Muslims who were more racist than the kuffar)

8. GOVERNMENT PREACHERS (SCHOLARS for DOLLARS): Wicked scholars who CEMENT the throne of the apostate leaders.
On Judgement Day, you cannot say to Allah to let you off because you were blindly following. Because your leader was corrupt. No.  As Allah says in the Qur'an: 
"Then would those who are followed clear themselves of those who follow (them): they would see the Punishment, And all relations between them would be cut off."
 (Al-Baqarah 2:166)
 "The day that their faces will be turned over in the fire they will say: "woe to us! Would that we have obeyed Allah and obeyed the messenger!"
 (Al-Ahzab 33:66)
Our leader is the Holy Prophet (May Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon him). He is whom I follow, his sunnah, his words, his teachings, his orders are what I trail on.  We are all Muslims, without any continental divide. Our God(Allah) is one. Our leader(Prophet Muhammad) is one. Our Guide(Quran) is one. Our center of unity(Ka’aba) is one. Our hearts are one. Our lands are one. The whole world belongs to the Muslims. Wherever in the world we reside, our spirits are one, our thinking is one, our actions are one. We are Muslims. We are one nation. That nation which rose to a summit. That nation which once was the greatest. We still are the greatest. Just need to recognize ourselves. Our lost identity. Wake up, Muslims. We have to unite and fight against those who try to bring Isam down. We have to raise our voices now. We have to break all these disunities and divisions, and turn ourselves into what Allah wanted His people to be. What Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) saw us as. We have to be the nation, he prayed for , before Allah called him. Allah is with us. Take a step. We are all together. Lets move on. This is the time to stand up and reach out for what we should have, long before. Lets show the world, we still are the GREATEST nation!

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