Sunday, September 21, 2014

Tragedy Of Pakistani Educational Board System

''Everybody is a genius.If u judge a fish by its ability to climb the tree,it will live its whole life believing that its stupid.'' Einstein
Humans are blessed with remarkable talent. It lies hidden in them like an unexplored treasure.With the evolution of human civilization,attention was given by administrative authorities to bring out the best of humans.Methods were devised and evolved to test human potential.Educational system, forming the base of human society, needed special attention.

The progress of a country owe to the betterment of its education system.Educational Board System in Pakistan is being run as British left after them.Unfortunately, this Board System was not given proper attention neither its problems were addressed in a proper way. This is age of competition.Despite of few educational reforms made in the past,the problems associated are proving havoc to the future of present generation.
1.Cramming (Ratta system)

Purpose of education is to discover and polish ones talent.But here the students are encouraged to copy paste the text books they are taught.The student having greatest capability to "produce duplicate copies of the content" is rewarded the most.The tragedy is students willing to understand the content and express their own world of creativity are discarded.This is the most lamentable outcome of this system.It's rusting the talent already present. Students when exposed to graduate level study fail automatically.Will a donkey be called a "scholor" if its carrying "well written copy paste heap of papers"?

2.Paper checking system

Papers are checked by teachers having no required qualification.Some times a teacher of English is checking paper of Chemistry! (Don't be surprised). Standard of awarding marks is the mood of checker,writing of the student and no. of words he has written.Not the weightage of the words.Sometimes the students have written songs in their paper and they are rewarded!(I told u not to be surprised.)

3.Upgrading of books

Although this problem is being addressed now but still more needs to be done.The textbooks are not upgraded according to the new research. The students are reading old theories in sciences. Some theories that have been discarded have found ''safe heaven" in textbooks.
In English many students are reading lessons that their mom and dad had read in their school or college life!

4.Plight of Government Schools

The fate of government institutions is worsening day by day owing to no check and balance system.Government institutions has suffered the most.Teachers don't pay proper attention to their students and only care for their pay.Most of the students are inclined to cramming because there is no one to clear their concepts.Others are paying heavy fees in educational academies.Academy culture is thriving by leaps and bounds.Now educations has become a business.This is proving havoc to students' future.

The purpose of educational system is to filter best men for the required fields.But with this kind of system you can expect to produce quacks not ingenious ones.These problems need to be addressed if nation wants to progress.Saving the talent should be top most priority.

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