Friday, October 10, 2014

Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer hospital

Every day we are texting, wasting our time uploading pictures, updating statuses, tweeting.. and at those same moments, somewhere else people are fighting against this deadly disease. They don’t know if they are there to live the next few moments even. Cancer is killing them. Its such a vicious disease. It eats you up from the inside and you only know it when you’re more than halfway done already.
Life will be going perfectly, and then one day you start experiencing fever and a little pain in your legs and you go to the doctor you have tests done and you get to know you have leukemia. Cancer. Your life changes. From going to school every day and complaining about tones of homework, you’ll spend day and night in chemotherapy cycles and radiation. Your parents, your siblings are shattered to death. You go to a cancer hospital and you find countless, literally countless no. of people there, and you wonder how come you didn’t know. You start wishing you knew earlier. You have money. You can pay for the treatment. You’ll live. But what about those millions of people who can’t? Those little girls playing with handmade dolls, don’t they have dreams? Their dreams may not be as luxurious as going to Disneyland but they are little precious gems. What about the kids with toys, praying for their mom, just so she lives to take care of them? A woman crying for her husband to open his eyes for once, because she has no one else in this world… There are people literally pleading in sujood, pleading Allah, pleading the doctors to save their loved ones.
And you walk past them. You want to help them. They don’t have the money even for the tests. You will be saved, you will get the treatment, what about them? Your parents bring burgers from Mc Donald’s for you, in the hospital, and they don’t even get three proper meals a day.
Guys, this is the time we need to stand up together and help those cancer victims. They survive on our donations. Their treatments range from 5 lakh to 20 lakh. And a poor person cannot afford these. All the money we donate, little by little, is used to treat them free of cost as much as possible, if not totally free then at least 75%, and give them a new life, a new ray of hope. We have to together eradicate this disease. We cannot and will not let children cry out. They deserve happiness. We won’t let our brothers and sisters become hopeless, we will give them hopes to live and pursue their dreams, we will be the support of our mothers and fathers. They are not the mothers and fathers of those patients only but the mothers and fathers of the entire nation. We have a responsibility over them all, and we will help! (In’Shaa’Allah)

‘Today we fight. Tomorrow we fight. The day after, we fight. And if this disease plans on whipping us, it better bring a lunch, ‘cause its gonna have a long day doing it.’ –Jim Beaver

So, people, we are campaigning to help these cancer victims at Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Center (SKMCH&RC), please promote this blog, let people know, and let us together bring this change.

To donate in the form of Zakat, you can donate in any of the following ways:
check them out here >

To donate apart from Zakat, you can donate in any of the following ways
check them out here >
If you want to sponsor a cancer patient, get information by going through this brochure >
Or email at >
Or call at > 0800 11555.
Again you can donate in the following ways >

You can also donate a meal, to one patient for a day, hundred patients for a day, hundred patients for a week, or hundred patients for one month. For details and costs, see the brochure at >

And if you want to sponsor for new equipment, check details here >

And if you still have any queries, you are free to comment on our blog, or email at or call us at 0336-4122503 or message us at our fb page here:

Your donations can save lives! :’) Please contribute as much as possible, and share with others, because every life is important!

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