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This is a place, where you can get equipped yourself with Information regarding Admissions, Entry Test, Scholarships and Scoring guides

Knowledge house

This is a place, where you can get equipped yourself with Information regarding Admissions, Entry Test, Scholarships and Scoring guides

Knowledge House

This is a place, where you can get equipped yourself with Information regarding Admissions, Entry Test, Scholarships and Scoring guides

Monday, September 29, 2014

How I View Leadership?

When people hear the word, leadership, the first thing that clicks their mind is the picture of a man with high position, fame, stature and significance, leading a nation. But in actuality, that is not the case. We live in a society obsessed with public opinion. But leadership has never been about popularity, my dear fellows. I say, if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you’re a leader. One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. 
We need to know that leadership is action, not position. It is how you motivate others to make progress. It is the struggle to attain good, and show others the way. It’s the fortitude of taking the world with you. Leaders are those people who don’t force others to follow, in fact, they invite them on a journey. Fuchan Yuan once said and I quote: there are three essentials to leadership: humility, clarity and courage. To me, a leader is someone who reaches the highest standard of character; not to become the richest in means, but in spirit; not the greatest in worldly position, but in true honour; not the most intellectual, but the most virtuous; not the most powerful; but the most truthful, upright, and motivating. Not only this, his every struggle is to inspire others for the better. His actions speak the language of audacity, purpose, and success. Because, afterall, my dear fellow, its rain that brings flowers, not thunder. Not the cry, but the flight of a wild duck, leads the flock to fly and follow!
Ladies and gentlemen, a leader is made, not born. He is a same ordinary person, but with extraordinary determination and faith that he can bring a change. He is someone who, in matters of style, would swim with the current; and in matters of principle, would stand like a rock. 
John C.Maxwell describes a leader as someone who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. 
Fellows, the task of a leader is to get its people from where they are to where they have not been. From what they have seen to what have not even imagined! If we turn back the pages of history, we ave countless examples of influential leaders whose actions define them. Our Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh), Quaid e Azam, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew jackson, Eleanor Roosevelt, Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill etc So you see, all leaders are a balance of Charisma, Passion, Inspiration, Progress, Vision, Risk, Determination, motivation and respect!
This Latin proverb stands absolutely correct when it states, it is absurd that a man should rule others, who cannot rule himself. I believe, to be a leader, we have to enlarge our vision, retrain our brain, increase confidence, attract the good, seize the profitable opportunities in our path, step forward daily, believe in ourselves,  in others, and get others to believe in themselves too. We need to have courage and take risks, because if the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. You! Yes, you.. Inside you is untapped potential, you have unlimited value! We all can be leaders. Jjust consider the past, evaluate the present and create the future.
SO I would say, there dwells a leader in every one of us, just give it a chance and let it out.
I would like to conclude on a poem by victor Antonio……
I went on search to be a leader,
Searching high and low above the meter,
I spoke with authority that I remember,
All would follow, all but one member, 
“Why should I trust you?’ the one did ask,
“What have you done to achieve the task?”
I thought long and hard of what I did wrong,
Then I rolled up my sleeves and worked right along,
Shoulder to shoulder we got things done,
We worked side by side, all were one,
A mate of mine stumbled, I stooped to assist,
My hand he did grab, a smile did persist,
One was lost, didn’t know what to do,
I showed him how, the ropes, something new
I praised them one and all for their work,
All were unique, but I encouraged each quirk,
When the task was done, one did shout
“You’re a great leader!” they all turned about,
"Without you there to support our plight,
Lost would we be with no end in sight",
I learned that day that I lead best,
When I get off my butt and help the rest,
To lead by example is the true treasure,
The secret of leadership, in one simple measure.

Why is the Muslim Ummah divided?

For us to be united, we must first understand the reasons of our DIVISION.
 1. JAHYL (ignorance): Many Muslims are just Muslims by name, they know nothing about their religion.   Its like claiming whats right, but not following it. Unaware of your own truth.
2. BLIND FOLLOWING OF THE IMAMS: Preferring their fatawas over Qur'an and Sunnah.
3. MISINFORMATION and MISINTERPRETATION OF THE TEXT: Qur'an and Sunnah are not interpreted properly and thus create confusions and fabrications.
 4. HAWA (evil desires): Some Muslims want to treat the Qur'an like a plate of food, they take what they want and they dump what they don't want.
They want to have one foot in Islam and one foot in Christianity, one foot in deen and one foot in Democracy, one foot towards Allah, the other towards this world… one door in Islam and one foot in modernization.. they clasp the roots of Islam, yet follow Shaitan.
Firstly, the Saudi Salafi is a Zionist conspiracy which was set up to dismantle the Shariah. Saudi Arabia is in the pocket if America, and America is in the pocket of Zionists and the Zionists are in the pocket of the Shaitan.
 Second is Sufism.. to promote democracy because they don't want to do Jihad.. and Jews trying to impose their own rule over the whole world, over the Muslims, through a democratic state, funds, paper currency and on the name of aids.
 The SHIA movement is another conspiracy, which was started by the Jews.
 How can you a member of Ahlus Sunnah wa Juma'aah who love Abu Bakr(RA) and Umar(RA) unite with a shia who hate Abu bakr and Umar?
 Not only these, there are tonnes of conspiracies going on everywhere where Muslims reside, just to bring them down, crush them.
How can we be united when we have so many conspiracies in the Ummah?
 6. HYPOCRISY: The more you love the Dunya the more hypocritical you are, but the less love you have for the Dunya the more sincere you are as a believer.
The more you love the Dunya the easier it is for the kuffar to buy you out.
 7. DISEASES OF THE HEART: The kuffar have infiltrated us with RACISM, with NATIONALISM, with TRIBALISM. And this is further breaking us down into groups.
 (I've seen Muslims who were more racist than the kuffar)

8. GOVERNMENT PREACHERS (SCHOLARS for DOLLARS): Wicked scholars who CEMENT the throne of the apostate leaders.
On Judgement Day, you cannot say to Allah to let you off because you were blindly following. Because your leader was corrupt. No.  As Allah says in the Qur'an: 
"Then would those who are followed clear themselves of those who follow (them): they would see the Punishment, And all relations between them would be cut off."
 (Al-Baqarah 2:166)
 "The day that their faces will be turned over in the fire they will say: "woe to us! Would that we have obeyed Allah and obeyed the messenger!"
 (Al-Ahzab 33:66)
Our leader is the Holy Prophet (May Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon him). He is whom I follow, his sunnah, his words, his teachings, his orders are what I trail on.  We are all Muslims, without any continental divide. Our God(Allah) is one. Our leader(Prophet Muhammad) is one. Our Guide(Quran) is one. Our center of unity(Ka’aba) is one. Our hearts are one. Our lands are one. The whole world belongs to the Muslims. Wherever in the world we reside, our spirits are one, our thinking is one, our actions are one. We are Muslims. We are one nation. That nation which rose to a summit. That nation which once was the greatest. We still are the greatest. Just need to recognize ourselves. Our lost identity. Wake up, Muslims. We have to unite and fight against those who try to bring Isam down. We have to raise our voices now. We have to break all these disunities and divisions, and turn ourselves into what Allah wanted His people to be. What Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) saw us as. We have to be the nation, he prayed for , before Allah called him. Allah is with us. Take a step. We are all together. Lets move on. This is the time to stand up and reach out for what we should have, long before. Lets show the world, we still are the GREATEST nation!

Explanation of Logic Gates

Logic Gates:-

A logic gate , it sounds horribly complex topic. But its simple an electric circuit with two inputs and one output. Now it receives two incoming electric currents, compares them and send them to new outgoing electric current.

Example:- Logic gate is just like a doorman outside a night club. Who allows people to inside the night club. He only allows people if they are passed to their conditions. Same happens in logic gates. I will show you how.

AND Gate:-

Suppose that you are going to a night club with your friend. There's a doorman who would allow you to walk inside only if you pass certain tests like, Their conditions are both of you should be wearing a tie, if anyone of you would not have tie. He wont allow you guys to enter the club. Same case is with AND Gate , it works with two electrical inputs, and if both are switched on . Output would be 1. 

OR Gate:-

Similarly, You go with your friend to another night club. Here doorman is giving u a new rule.. He says if anyone among u is a member , then you will be allows to enter. other wise not. Same case is with OR Gate, If two electrical puts are there, and if either of input is switched on the output would be 1.

NOT Gate:-

If you failed to enter the club in all ways. now there is only one hope that your friend is having a party, but outside the door there is very argumentative person who argues with every. he let that person to enter who is rude instead of being polite. in simple words he is doing opposite to what u expect. Same case is with NOR Gate. In this case, If input is zero then output would be 1 and vice versa. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Imran khan jhalsa in Lahore

I must say politicians should either suicide or they should resign. What more they want? A person who they say gathered only 5000 people in Islamabad's dharna. Its surprising for me than that IK whom they said a Uturn Master or Buhtaan Khan gathered massive crowd. Believe me, I studied in Lahore GCU, Minar e pakistan is just near that college. Lahore , Sharif Brothers say is focal city of N League. But it isn't , believe me it isnt. Everyone person either he is Rikhsaw driver , Salesman, Student or a worker , You would listen that he voted for Imran Khan. My question is where are their votes? where are they? . You can see just near minar e pakistan sharif brothers built AZADI INTERCHANCE, people should support them in that case, but a storm of people i can see there. How they came? Are they hired? Brought under pressure? NO! They arent , Because , They are LAHORI'S . I have been there for years. I know they do what they want.

"Utho meri duniya k ghareebon ko jaga do, kah e umraa k daro dewaar hila du, jis khet k dehkan sa muyasar na ho rozi us khet k har khosha e gandum ko jhala du"

I wish , i could express here my Enthusiasm. I wanted to be there, i coudnt reach . MY BAD!. Everywhere, i can hear GO NAWAZ GO. 1000 people can be followers of a Uturn Master 5000 can be ? but not a storm of people could be the followers of Uturn Master. He is a man, a true Leader Indeed!. People now a days are truth seeker.  GEO TV made another rumour that only 70k people could adjust there. And believe me 70k chairs have been placed there, and what about the people who are standing? who are somewhere in between. I m just waiting for a senior analyst to give His remarks on this.

GEO now a days , oh. No! everyday they have been supporting N league. Their news start from IK and ended at insulting him. There are other political parties to be discussed but no. Who would raise their popularity who would fund them? if they wont pinch every news of IK.

What more can we say? GEO had been discussed in Parliament. Our Finance Minister discussed issue regarding a TV channel in parliament, but what about other pending issues? I wont discuss this part now, Right now More than one lac People are in Lahore's Jhalsa thats it.

Expectations for UHS Merit List

Reason for increase in merit:-

Every student have a dream that there should be reduction in merit every year. But system don't work under students satisfaction . By every year number of repeaters have been increasing . So the number of students giving UHS exams on coming year increases . But this year the scenario is totally different, Steps taken by Govt. would axiomatically cause increase in UHS merit .  

As the decision of allocation of seats by the Govt. would beyond their control cause increase in merit. Because this year 50% of boys would be allocated the seats, which surely means only the  high achievers would be named in the list and same case for girls . Moreover, repeaters who are having an aggregate of 84 to 85% last year, must have   scored   a percentage of 87 to 88% this year. 

So nothing is hidden , it is obvious that under such circumstances merit would increase . people saying that merit would decrease , should accept the fact that if Government has allocated 50% seats for boys and 50% for Girls, How can you say that merit would decrease. Being more precise, When we say 50% seats would be allocated to boys and 50% for girls, that clearly means among all the students of boards and UHS, Only the top 50% of them would be named in the list.

As per my experience, and of my senior fellows who are in medical colleges. Merit would be upto 87.12% 

Ranking of Universities By HEC


University                                                     Ranking

LUMS Lahore                                                                   1

IBA Karachi                                                                      2

IBA Sukhar                                                                        3

SZABIST                                                                           4

IMS peshawar                                                                     5


University                                                        Ranking

PIEAS                                                                                  1

UET Lahore                                                                         2

GIKI                                                                                     3

MUST Jamshoro                                                                  4

IST islamabad                                                                       5

UET Taxila                                                                           6

General :- 

University                                                        Ranking

NUST                                                                                    1

Punjab University                                                                  2

University of Karachi                                                             3

CIIT islamabad                                                                       4 

GCU Faisalabad                                                                      5


University                                                        Ranking

AKU karachi                                                                       1

UHS lahore                                                                         2

DOW karachi                                                                      3

Liaqut university of health sciences                                    4

Khyber medical college peshawar                                       5

King edward Medical University                                         6

DC Ciruits and Parrallel and series arrangement

A direct Current  circuit consist of source of direct current electricity, which has conducting wire. Which is usually copper wire, Which is connected to one end of source terminal and back to other terminal in a complete circuit. For  DC Electricity to exist, DC current is required. Remember, Circuit is a loop which is closed and through which current flows. In DC Circuit, Current flows only in one direction. DC Circuit consist of a DC battery and a source i.e a bulb or a flashlight.

Whereas, DC electricity is actually the movement of electrons from area of negative charges to area of positive charges, and charges always travel through some conducting wire i.e mostly copper wire. DC electricity in a circuit consist of voltage, resistance and current.

Electricity moving through a wire consist of voltage (v) and Current (I)  Resistance (R). Voltage is the potential energy stored in a conductor whereas resistance is opposition to the flow of electron, and Current is because of flow of electrons.  Resistance is required in a circuit to control the flow of electricity. Voltages and Current are independent of time in DC Circuits.

If a Capacitor C or Inductor L is added in DC Circuit, now the circuit formed would not be a DC circuit. DC installations would be found in low voltage or extreme low voltage applications such as sockets, and etc and these are usually attached with a battery. if not attached with a battery wouldnt work on low voltages.

Series Circuit:-
                         In this type of circuits, devices are placed in a line or series arrangement such as bulbs so that they are placed between the two positive and negative ends of battery. One side effect of this arrangement is that if one end of battery burns out, it would act like a switch.

Parallel Circuits,:- In this type of circuits , devices are arranged in parallel combination. In this type of combination, if one device such as bulb goes out, other is still in contact. If one bulb burns out, it wont act as a switch. And still other bulb would shine and would electrical wiring in homes is also in parallel. And the major advantages of Parallel circuit is that if one end or one loop fails to respond, it wont lead to the failure of the other terminal or end, similarly more loops can be added without addition of more voltage.

                          current produced at the water power stations is AC, because it works in cyclic form and is Alternating current, so it is carried to distant places through transformers ,, but DC cant be carried to distant places. When it reaches to our homes, there is a break which controls the effectivity of AC, and send to our homes.