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This is a place, where you can get equipped yourself with Information regarding Admissions, Entry Test, Scholarships and Scoring guides

Knowledge House

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This is a place, where you can get equipped yourself with Information regarding Admissions, Entry Test, Scholarships and Scoring guides

Knowledge house

This is a place, where you can get equipped yourself with Information regarding Admissions, Entry Test, Scholarships and Scoring guides

Knowledge House

This is a place, where you can get equipped yourself with Information regarding Admissions, Entry Test, Scholarships and Scoring guides

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

BBA Admissions in Quaid e Azam University

With the rising scope of management sciences,People have been more curious about Admissions in BBA.Many universities in Pakistan offer this course, But students always want to study in a top ranked university.LUMS has been ranked No.1 in Management Sciences. Lahore school of economics also stands in the list of top ranked schools. As LUMS has been a challenge for the students with high fee structure.

I'll also guide the students to see the admissions regarding BBA in Quaid e azam University.It has been always ranked No.1 in list of General Universities.Prospectus Can be obtained from the university admission section that costs 1100 rupees.Quaid e Azam university offers 4 years of honour in BBA.

Eligibility Criteria:-
                             1-   Minimum Second division in Inter/equivalent
                             2-Candidates must appear in NTS/NAT

Merit Criteria:-
                        1-Matric-O levels 30%
                        2-Fsc/Alevels-     70%

Formula for calculating merit:-
                                                    Marks of matric*total marks*30+marks of Fsc *total marks+70

Fee structure:- 68926 for bachelor programmes.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Well in  a country like PAKISTAN we have only a limited number of institutions of which we can be proud off certainly our MEDIA does fall in that category. For years Pakistani media remained under the thumb of our rulers, they used it to malign their opponents, they used it to twist the facts and boast their so-called development works and also they used it as a platform where they can defend various corruption etc charges, the state-owned media PTV still continues to be under the Govt’s thumb, seeing PTV you would probably think that the government hasn’t put a foot wrong and Pakistan is on the verge of being the best nation in the world.
But coming back to the main point, 2007 Lawyers movement was a massive turning point in the history of Pakistani media, really it was. I personally witnessed that feeling of like “enough is enough” get rid of this dictatorship, end this one-man rule over all the participants of that movement, and then Mushaaraf’s blunder to impose emergency and ban different TV channels in PAKISTAN stirred that movement and took it to a different level, I could see daily on the constitution avenue in ISLAMABAD, different anchors e.g KASHIF ABBASI, NUSRAT JAVED, MUSHTAQ MINHAS, HAMID MIR, ASMA SHERAZI etc etc, conducting their shows on the roads in the midst of massive anti-musharraf crowd. I could see the media changing , I could feel that the PAKISTANI MEDIA FRATERNITY that was for years under the shackles and trying to break free, they were really revolting against the government, they had made this issue of maligning the media and judiciary their very own, daily we could see shows, and documentaries, various songs like “HUM DEKHEIN GAY- LAZIM HAI KEH HUM BHI DEKHEIN GAY” were being played 24/7. Media certainly became an important pillar of the state beside judiciary and executive.
In the years to follow, media continued to move forward and enlightened the ever so ignorant masses of PAKISTAN, they brought to light many important issues like various corruption scandals, various rape cases, atrocities being conducted in the “WADERA “ system of Pakistan etc and many of these issues were either resolved or they were given a fair run the judicial system of PAKISTAN. But as an observer now for about last year and a half Pakistani media has considered themselves above law and considered themselves immune to any sought of inquiry or some sought of questioning etc. Anchor persons now- a-days try to bully the participants coming in their show, media now is considering itself a game-changer they are thinking that they can over through any govt. and bring in any new party into a power. Yes a strong vibrant media is considered as a nation’s back bone but now media is making false use of their power they are breaching all levels of privacy. Now-a-days when you see various channels you would clearly distinguish between the channels on the basis of which party they are supporting. One  channel without naming is 24/7 bashing the govt. they are on the verge of proving that the PAKISTAN currently being ruled by some ISRAELI GOVT. or something.
Another channel is totally on the govt. side, I am personally of the opinion that any news channel or media house supporting any one particular party shouldn’t be allowed to continue their telecast, because when bias creeps in to your journalism then it isn’t journalism it can called anything else. Another thing that really offends me is that the quantity of foreign content on our media channels, Turkish dramas, indian dance shows and dramas and comedy shows are really helping INDIA’s cause I still remember INDIRA GANDHI’S quote “ We are going to conquer PAKISTAN through culture”  so all these issues require severe brain storming, we got to think who is on the right side and who is on the wrong side because MEDIA is only one of various institutes of our country that the Europe is afraid of and we got to address this issue seriously and as soon as possible. PAKISTAN ZINDABAD!!!

FAST Entrance Test

FAST (NUCES) , Pakistan's No 1 RANKED UNIVERSITY in Computer sciences.But now not only computer sciences, But electrical engineering of FAST is also well known and is recognised by PEC. Students can even get admitted in BBA if they wish to study in FAST. It is ranked on number 6th in Engineering in Pakistan. 

          Test Criteria of FAST:-
                                                 1-40% Fsc/Alevels
                                                 2-10%  Matric/O levels
                                                 3-50% Entrance Test

        Test Sections:-
                                It consists of 4 portions i.e
                              5-IQ testing questions
    Tests Major Portion:-
                                      (MATHS) :-Part 1- ( Sequence and Series and trignometry)
                                                          Part  2- (Differentiation , integration , Ellipse, Circle , Hyperbola                                                                         and Parabola)
                                       (PHYSICS):- Part 1- (1st chapt - circular motion including dimension)
                                                              part 2- ( Major portion electronic and All the formulas of First
                                                                           year and second year should be interelated)
                                       (CHEMISTRY):- Part 1- (1st Six chapters )
                                                                     Part2- (Chapter to chapter 13) ( Exercise MCQS should be                                                                                  on finger tips)

                                        (ENGLISH):-      Comprehension is the major portion, Synonyms General

                                         (IQ MCQS):-  Usually number sequence, About directions and alphabets
                                                                       relating numbers.

Every Portion has specific time, you have to move with pace.

Dont try to attempt the question your not sure about. negative marking could make u less and less with your scoring. You should prepare the major portion as i mentioned above.

Keep visiting blog for further help.

Admission in University of Edinsburg

Now a days, People search more for universities which would offer Scholarship to cover their Fee expenses.Edinsburg University Is offering Scholarships for the students in Undergraduate who wants to have Mathematics as their major subject.Student Would get a scholarship of 1000 Pound per  year. Further They can awarded Scholarships, on basic of their Academic Certificates.

Final lists for the candidates who would be awarded scholarships would be named on 1st april can apply During late december For the Scholarship.International student only with Mathematics as their Major would be awarded
the scholorships.

Required Objects:_

                                1- Fsc/A levels Transcripts 80%
                                2-6.5 Bands In Ielts.
                                3-Certificates for extra curricular activities
                                4-Teachers recommendations
                                5-Bank statement.

Part Time Work is also allowed for the students.

Fee structure:-
                         Business School-15250 pounds
                         biomedical sciences-20050 pounds
                         Engineering(any)-20050 pounds
                         Economics- 15250 pounds.

These fees are without the house rents/Hostel rents.

Admission in CMH Lahore

Many students prefer a college that is in the list of private medical colleges, and somewhat related with Army.They do want a job security for their future.Combined Military Hospital have their own medical college. Prospectus For this season are bein0g issued now. I will make u aware with the eligibility criteria and fee structure.

Eligibility Criteria:-
   60% Marks in Intermediate or Equivalent in A levels.

Admission Calculator:-
                                    1-Matric - 10%
                                    2-Fsc/A levels 40%
                                    3-Entry test/Provincial test 37.5%
                                    4-CMH Test- 12.5 ( For Fsc students , MCAT result would be seen, For A levels SAT2).

For A level Student, They will have to score 550 in each subject in SAT Subject test. and their merit calculation would be 50%.

Test would be hopefully conducted in November.

Test Instructions:_
                                     1-A booklet would be provided to you.
                                     2-Answer sheet would be provided
                                     3-Rough sheet for work
                                     4-dont marks answers on booklet you wont be marked for that.
                                     5-100 MCQS would be there

Hostel Charges would be taken about 72000 rs annually.
Air condition charges - 8000rs
laundry charges 6000rs

Monday, September 22, 2014

Oxford University Scholorships

Everyone has aim or its his Targeted goal that he / she wants to achieve to study in Oxford University.Your Skills, You dedication and Hard work would always let you fulfill your dreams.Oxford University is a name , that i must say is a tycoon in the list of top RANKED UNIVERSITIES. Just be dedicated to your goals, You would surely achieve them one day.

For the students, who wants to study Linguistics, Literature , English Language and History can apply for the scholorship. This would cover your all the expenses of university , including your tution fees and books everything.As always i discuss in my blogs, that you have to score good in SAT, this time you are free from this. You do no need to give SAT examination in order to get the scholorship. Just score Good in your Bachelors.

This scholorship is only available for the students who want to Continue their studies at Master level Regarding humanities subjects. This scholorship Doesnt cover your fee just, This also includes your Living costs i.e almost 13400 pounds per year. You just have to Give your IELTS Test, And score 7 bands almost.

1-Submit your application before 23 january 2015
2-Your bachelor transcripts
4-Financial support form
5-attestation of all transcripts from board and HEC.

Scholorships in Boston University

This is a superb chance for the Students who can't fund their education and are willing to study in USA. Mostly students always search for full bright scholorship , that can fund their entire years of education in USA. Actually Full bright scholorships are mostly available to student of post graduate level. This time , you can avail the chance. Boston University is offering full time scholorships to the students are among high achievers or have Excellent Grades.When It Covers your entire years education, it usually demands some tests along with good scoring

1-SAT subject Test
2-IELTS 7 Bands
3-Teachers Recommendation
4-High transcripts
5-Extra-curricular Activities-Certificates
6-Financial support documentation

Remember, Its not only High school transcripts. You have to score A* in science subjects including Maths in A Levels. And if you are an intermediate student, You have to score at least 80 % marks in your Inter examination along with SAT scores. Every student must take part in extra curricular activities, If He/She is Willing to Study with scholorship or in Top Ranked Universities.I'm saying again, SAT scores and extra curricular activities and above all your personal statement essay would be most convincing for the university.

If you do want to study on scholorship, you have to apply for early admission i.e in Your appplication must be submitted through Common Application. And the deadline for Scholorship would be December 1st.

If you do not meet the criteria of university during years. Your scholorship that you would get on behalf of your percentage in A levels or Fsc would be cancelled. You have to maintain you CGPA during semesters.

Fee Structure:-
                         If you dont meet the scholorship criteria, You would have to pay 60000 Dollars per year, including room rent , books and health insurance.