Knowledge house

This is a place, where you can get equipped yourself with Information regarding Admissions, Entry Test, Scholarships and Scoring guides

Knowledge House

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This is a place, where you can get equipped yourself with Information regarding Admissions, Entry Test, Scholarships and Scoring guides

Knowledge house

This is a place, where you can get equipped yourself with Information regarding Admissions, Entry Test, Scholarships and Scoring guides

Knowledge House

This is a place, where you can get equipped yourself with Information regarding Admissions, Entry Test, Scholarships and Scoring guides

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Allocation of Seats in MBBS

Education in Pakistan runs under politics. It is obvious from the current decisions made by the government on education system. They implement the formula, that benefits them and what works according to their scheme. That is totally crap, I must say. Now another Devastating step by Government for the allocation of seats in MBBS. That means 50% of girls would be admitted to medical colleges and 50% of boys would be admitted. Believe me before this, Almost 70% of girls were admitted to medical colleges on Merit. Government would be against every step that is on merit. They should be proud that Pakistan was the only country with such a large number of girls admitted to medical colleges on merit.

The reason that this decision had to be opted was that, many of girls after being admitted to the medical colleges dont work in their professional life and are married. What if they are married? They achieved their goals by doing hardwork, they did everything possible to achieve the merit. This doesnt mean that everyone should be restricted to follow his dream on future decisions.

Now this step would axiomatically increase the merit in MBBS. In a way because , now only 50% of girls would be admitted which means the most high achievers would be sorted out and listed for MBBS. This same goes for boys, Without one's control the high achievers in boys would be sorted out as per 50% criteria made by the Government.

Inventions and Abuse of Technology

Since the advent of time, science has been at its work, bundles of theories have been made, laws have been passed, and each of its discoveries and inventions have had pros and cons. They bring about positive outcomes and yet, if used in a negative manner can be real destructive.
Take the example of nuclear power. Nuclear reactions release a million times more energy, as compared to hydro or wind energy. Hence, a large amount of electricity can be generated. Presently, 12-18% of the world's electricity is generated through nuclear energy.
The biggest advantage of this energy is that there is no release of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbon) during nuclear reaction, which are a major threat in the current scenario, as they cause global warming and climate change. As there is no emission of these gases during nuclear reaction, there is very little effect on the environment..
Nuclear reactors make use of uranium as fuel. Fission reaction of a small amount of uranium generates a large amount of energy. Currently, the high reserves of uranium found on Earth, are expected to last for another 100 years. High amount of energy can be generated from a single nuclear power plant. Also, nuclear fuel is inexpensive and easier to transport.
On the contrary… the results of wrong usage of such an immense power can be seen if we turn the pages of history… the world war 2… when Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed by American forces… this nuclear bomb marks a terrible history, causing deaths of more than 200,000 people and leaving a barren land with abnormalities for the generations to come. The Chernobyl disaster that occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986 in Ukraine, was the worst nuclear power plant disaster. One of the nuclear reactors of the plant exploded, releasing high amount of radiation in the environment. It resulted in thousands of casualties, mostly due to exposure to harmful radiation. One cannot deny the possibility of repetition of such disasters in future.
Such disastrous and heart rending effects still prevail and are remembered as one of the biggest tragedies that ever happened to humanity.
Every act has positive and negative aspects… Science has been a great help to mankind, since the Industrial revolution and even before, easing our lives by providing every kind of facility that is required by us. For example, computers, laptops, mobiles, web communication, internet, televisions, microwaves, washing machines, iron, solar paneling, wind turbines, electricity and much much  more. Science, in the field of medicine also has done miracles by saving the lives of humans from the deadliest diseases like cancer, AIDS, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, Chicken pox, Small pox, Measles, Rubella, Gastroenteritis etc. Another major contribution is the discovery of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology has certain types and all have brought about immense and dramatic changes in this world, in all fields.  But, along with these advantages… science has also proved out to be destructive. It not only led to the invention of atomic bomb, but also cannons, shotguns, missiles, that all led to the world becoming greedy and trying to struggle to attain more power and become stronger. These inventions and discoveries of science made the world enter a race of terror, bloodshed and fighting to get to the top in power and ammunitions.
So, you see everything in this world from the smallest atom to the largest galaxies… from the negligible seed to the tallest trees, from pebbles to humungous mountains… each and everything has its own benefits and drawbacks. But, as humans, it is our duty, our first concern… to work for maintaining peace in this world. To be the well-wishers of mankind. To work for its protection, NOT for destruction. To keep it safe from every danger. To make this world one of the best places to live, from the whole universe. To endorse peace, love and hope. To condemn hatred, war and abhorrence. To use everything for the good and welfare of mankind. To bring out optimism in everything. To always look on the brighter side. To take advantage and restrain from the darker side of every discovery. To be the building blocks of peace. To use science and technology as an aid to world peace.
Even according to Quran, we are compelled to bring about peace in this world. Islam preaches peace, tolerance, kindheartedness, love and care. Quran is the only book that tells us to think and ponder over everything around us and science is the best way to do so. It is all about research and finding out what is happening around us. About problems and their solutions. About logic and reasoning. About knowing the right thing. About discovery. Quran, itself has a lot about such knowledge.. of science… embryology, astronomy etc. A Hadith goes like,” For every disease that God has sent, He has also sent down a cure.” Now, in the 21st century, all these things are proved and the need of maintaining peace has increased.
Islam has also emphasized on gaining knowledge… on learning, on knowing more about the universe and sharing the knowledge that one has. This emphasis is what has made Ibn e khaldoom the father of sociology and history, Ibn e farnas to make the first glider, Abu Rehan Al Berooni to make great contributions in the field of astronomy, mathematics and astrology, Ibn e Seena to come up with such detailed books on medicine which have been aught in the western universities for more than 700 years, Jabar Bin Hayan to bring about discovery of algebra, Ibn ul Haitham to write a book on eye and contribute in the field of light and Abu Al NAsar Al Farabi to considerably contribute to science, philosophy, logic, sociology, psychology, medicine, Maths and music. According to one Hadith, it is said ”Seek knowledge from cradle to grave.”
Muslims have always been masterminds and braniacs behind great, mind blowing architecture. Their dexterity can be clearly seen in the remarkable buildings that have been constructed so far… the symmetry of Taj Mahal, Badshahi Masjid, Lahore Fort and Shalimar Gardens. This knowledge led to maintenance of peace and harmony in Muslim states. Their washrooms were all set… with proper drainage system which was not even known to the west at that time. Their cities flourished because of cleanliness and proper settlements. And everything was at peace. Science brought about peace in their lives.
We, as humans, generally have a very greedy and selfish nature. We want what seems charming, what others have. We are always looking for getting power and the best of the best. We always think of our benefit whether it is something good or evil ,it doesn’t matter. But this shouldn’t be the case because we are all living in this one world and we will never have it replaced. We need to promote peace. It is not just responsibility it something we all must do.
So, lets all unite and promise that we will make use of everything in a positive manner, restrain from evil and try to be good human beings. Lets all promise to make this world a better place for our next generations to live. Come lets fall in love again… let's turn all the dirt in this world to shiny gold... May we succeed and accomplish our goal.

Procedure to apply for NET

NUST is a top Ranked University in Pakistan. Every desires to be in Nust to fulfill their dreams. Like others, Nust has its own apitude test i.e NET. NUST gave the student three chances to get admitted to test. Who ever scores the highest in any of the three tests, the test with highest score would be considered.

NET 1:-

NET 1 is held in December. Students who are currently in HSSC 1 , can also apply for the Nust Entrance Test. Repeaters can also apply for  NET.

NET 2:-

NET 2 is usually held in april. As per my experience NET 1 is the most easiest of all the NET's . You should get prepared yourself to score good in NET 1.

NET 3:-

 NET 3 is the most difficult of all NET's as per students experience, I dont mean to scare you guys. Seriously get prepared Then would be nothing.

Applying Procedure:-

                                   To apply for the NET , the procedure is very simple. Simply have access to NUST's Official site. And open the section UG admissions . After that , there would be a login page, creat your new NET account on website with your email address and name etc. After completing prerequisties, At the end of online application you would get a bank challan. Simply print it out. and submit it to the Registered HBL Branch in your City. After Submitting the Challan, There would be a branch code , open the login page for NET again and write the Branch code and again submit the online application. After 48 hours your application would be seen and you be given a respective date for your test, its upto you which of the following dates you choose.

Application fee:-

                              Application fee for NUST Entrace Test is 2500, That you have to submit during the Submission of Challan in Bank.

Eligibility Criteria:-

                                    Minimum of 60% in intermediate or A levels
                                    All seats would be given on open merit
                                    A levels candidates will have to issue an equivalence certificate
                                    HSSC part 1 Students having 60% marks can also apply.
                                    A levels students can also apply on O levels equivalence certificate, but their
                                    admission would be confirmed on basis of A levels certificate

Friday, September 26, 2014

Bristol University Scholarships

Bristol University is a top ranked university in UK. To attract the people from different countries , they are offering Full time Scholarships for the international students. The reason for the full time scholarships , are because they are common wealth countries. The scholarship of Bristol University not only covers your fee expenses but also the living and meal plan of students.

Eligibility Criteria:-
                                1-All applicants must be classed as overseas students.
                                2-All applicants must have offer letter for University of Bristol
                                3-Applicant must be from any discipline

Application Guidance:-
                                       Apply online for the application.The deadline for receipt of application is 12th june 2015. You should access the official website for scholarship form and send them to university.

Scholarship Value:-

                                 Scholarship would be divided into three sections. 3000 Pounds would be given to the student for first year of student and second year of study. And 2000 pounds for the Last year of study.

                            Three GCE A levels or the international baccalaureate diploma will be Considered for admission
Else than it , You should have At least 3A's in A Levels
Recommendation of teachers
Financial Documents

Non-marriageable age and Women

Marriage enhances the cognizance between two people. Its for sure a life lasting decision that has to be taken by people. Marriageable age is a basic and most dispute-able content that should be discussed. Countries where illiteracy and unawareness is present, Mostly those people are facing such problems. Every country have some laws regarding marriage and to resolve the issues.

In Pakistan, Marriageable age is the most dispute-able content. According to UNICEF, In Pakistan 70% of girls are married under the age of 16. And 50% of Girls are married before the age of 18. How can  we expect such type of relations would long last?. Illiteracy is the major reason for such kind of issues. Many medical problems ensue because of non marriageable age ceremonies.

In Pakistan, another custom that is known as "SWARA" involves elderly or respected people of that society to resolve their family disputed or unpaid debts by marrying of girls. How ridiculous is this?. Family disputes would be resolved by abdication of your daughters?. Believe you me , in this custom girls most married are between ages of 5 to 9 . Its really soul menacing thing.  

Such type of customs are adapted on majority of age issues and age of consent. But such laws should never be adapted where a life is no more worthy. Life is blessing by GOD, should be protected . It should be seen as a "Living Statue", Our Religion taught us to avoid such things. If we really do that , we are going back to old age. This isnt civilization, this is in real sense the cruelty by the society. Women should be respected in every part of the world. Their rights should be respected.

Government should implement a system that allows only certified marriages. They should build some institutes in Non-developed areas, where this is more common. People who force their daughters to marry in child-age should be handed over to the police and those who involve their daughters in family disputes and to pay their unpaid debts should be hanged over to death.

Combined Examination and Education system of Pakistan

Education is a symbol of enchanting personality. It gives moral values to a person. Learning is more paramount than Reading. Education we get, is always accompanied by the education system we have today. Education system in every era needs to have some reforms . Reforms are always made for the betterment of People. Education system should be so that, students should seek knowledge with zeal and zest.

In Pakistan, Talent among the students is so elevated that their desire to seek knowledge has been so raised, But unfortunately the education system that we have today is causing ravage to talent we have in our country. I'm my self a student and so a victim of this devastating education system.

Finally another poor step by the Government, Minister of education Said to Implement the combined examination system for 9/10 and 11/12 Grade. Major problem that student would face will be Lack of interest in their studies. Cramming would be superior to Conceptual studies. This would ultimately alter the minds of student. Reforms always are meant for the betterment of Nation, not for the demolition of nation. Accordingly the Merit for different universities and medical colleges would
diminish. Students who are good at cramming would be most superior.

 So, I feel ashamed to say that those who implement these rules and regulation have their children being educated A level Courses, They are uninfluenced by the every change in education system. A middle class person can never sustain the expenses for courses that are under British Education System. This would automatically diminish the morale of education in country.

I neither object on students studying A levels nor their parents. Education system for the entire nation should be same. There shouldnt be any prejudice atleast  in education. Better and best education system should be provided to the students, because they are the real asset of a nation.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sectarianism In PAKISTAN

Allah is one,our prophet (SAWW) is one,our qibla is one then why we are not one?.Allah say in Quran “Allah ki rassi ko mazboty se thamy rakho ar taffarqa na philao”.But we are not one and divided on different basis one of which is sects.

Sectarianism in Pakistan have made so much damage to Pakistan that none other thing give. Every day in different part of Pakistan a religious person related to any sect is killed by another sect and on the basis of this , the killings continues. One day a shia killed,next day a sunni killed. What is this be a muslim . Now a days the religious event Eid is coming. Everyone knows that in Pakistan every year Two Eids are being celebrated. The one reason behind this is sectarianism .

The myth behind this is that “ the chairman of moon sighting committee of Pakistan “Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman” belongs to brealvi sub sect of sunni while the “Mufti popalzai” belongs to deoband sub sect of sunni. The altercation between brealvi’s and deoband’s is main reason behind celebrations of two Eids. This was some facts regarding eid ,this was a basic example of difference of opinions .

Sectarianism in Pakistan is destructing for Pakistan. In my thinking if we want to see Pakistan prosperous and developed then we should be one and united . we have to eradicate sects between us which make differences between us. When our Ideal Holy prophet(SAWW) was only muslim and our quaid was only muslim then why we are divided now?. Be one and think about prosperity of our beloved country.May Allah Blesses us.PAKISTAN ZINDABAD.