Knowledge house

This is a place, where you can get equipped yourself with Information regarding Admissions, Entry Test, Scholarships and Scoring guides

Knowledge House

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This is a place, where you can get equipped yourself with Information regarding Admissions, Entry Test, Scholarships and Scoring guides

Knowledge house

This is a place, where you can get equipped yourself with Information regarding Admissions, Entry Test, Scholarships and Scoring guides

Knowledge House

This is a place, where you can get equipped yourself with Information regarding Admissions, Entry Test, Scholarships and Scoring guides

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Riphah International University

Riphah International University:-

MBBS/BDS Admissions:-

Riphah International university is offering MBBS/BDS  Admissions

Admissions Date:-

Admissions would start from 12th october 2014.

Admission Criteria:-

2-Matric -10%
3-UHS/ETEA -50%
4-SAT 2 for A level Students
5-Hafiz e Quran base also present.

Application process:-

Application fee in person is 2000rs and can be also sent through courier that costs 2100rs in favour of IIMCT can be submitted to any of their offices. You can also update your application online from admission portal of Riphah uni Site. 

Fee Structure:-

Fee structure for Riphah international university is 838,000rs Per anum.


Chengde Medical University:-

It offers MBBS course for all the international students. With very suitable fee structure including accomdation for the international student in a cheap range.

How to Get Admission:-

Admission Requirements:-

Candidates wishing to apply for MBBS course should have 60% marks in Fsc/ A levels. And should be in good health , and shouldnt have any disease like HIV.

Admission Process:-

An admission notice and visa application form would be sent to the applicant.Applicant should take the visa form and all required documents to their local Chinese consulate or embassy.Each student should register for the course at CDMU with all the documents.

Following Documents Required:-

1-6 photograph's passport size
2-passport copy
3-academic documents
4-Consultation fee

Fee Structure:-

Total fee structure for chengde medical university is 27800 RMB which means  464,781 Pakistani rupees for first year including hostel and all other registeration fees.

Floods in Pakistan and Reasons

Nearly every year Pakistan is hit by long-suffering floods especially in the season of monsoon. On 13 September 2014, Pakistan confronted another devastating situation of a tsunami. The deluge originated from Jammu Kashmir and demolished the whole kit and caboodle that came in its way. As the tidal waves progressed further south, elevating the water level at Panjnad where it touched 116,000 cu secs, drowning areas in Mittan Kot.
The heavy monsoon downpours caused the water level in rivers to rise and the dykes overflowed resulting in chaos in the areas. On 5 September, the Jehlum River in Srinagar was reported to be flowing at 22.40 feet (6.83 m) which was 4.40 feet (1.34 m) above the danger mark. The key cause of this overflow was the torrential rain falls which people and our government wasn’t ready to encounter. Additionally, when India unbolted their spillways to release water it added up to the critical situation and it got further out of hands.
The floods instigated much turmoil all across the country, and the malignant crashing waves left many people homeless and many lost their loved ones. Their only source of income – livestock, drowned. The crops had ripened and were ready to be harvested however they were completely in ruins after the flood. 2500 villages were demolished. The army carried out a rescue operation and evacuated a large number of people.
Many are now forced to live in the filthy tents, and are deprived of pure drinking water and food – the basic necessities for survival. Eating stale food and drinking unclean water is resulting in fatal diseases like diarrhea among the children and adults.
Pakistan’s metropolitan office (PMD) sent out flood warnings several days ago but no decisive action was taken by the government. It is the prerequisite of the time to construct dams, so that water is stored in reservoirs and is utilized in a sustainable way by fighting off both floods and droughts. Flood is a natural catastrophe. It cannot be completely stopped but its affects can be reduced. Therefore, firm action must be taken in order to avoid such a calamity from repeating itself.

O LEVELS Guide and Preparation

                 Scoring Quality Grades In Olevels !

 Ordinary Level ! A UK based education system providing quality examination process over 200 countries across the globe. O level perhaps is now one of the most preferred option among the students of every nationality. But as the number of candidates increase with every passing year the chances of securing competitive grades become difficult. You would be proud to know that Pakistanis are the ones grabbing top grades in CIE O level every year . Haroon Tariq , our best example and a shinning star of our country recently broke record by obtaining 47 As in O & A level in year 2013. But this is not pretty easy dear ! It all requires hardwork blended with careful planning and systematic learning . It is our dilemma of studying in this rote-learning system from class 1 and students shifting to O levels find it quite difficult to balance and change their mind as per requirement .

O Levels In Pakistan ! One must be aware of the challenges coming up his / her way before one opt this foreign  method of education. I think it is my utmost responsibility to inform you regarding the scope of O levels in Pakistan. And its sad that it is quite dull . Yes dear it is ! There is no doubt that O levels surely boost up your thinking capability and English speaking and writing power . But alas ! you would feel regret that marks are deducted by the IBCC ( Inter Board Committee Chairman ) when you get the equivalence certificate to apply in Pakistani universities , but there is absolutely no problem if you are applying abroad.

Steps For Success ! As per my experience you must consider the following steps to get quality grades on your hardcopy !

Selection of School / Academy !
There is undoubtedly no need to join some high profile academies demanding heavy cash for your tuition if your school teachers are competitive enough for you . So it is extremely important that you choose your school or if not then academy very very vigilantly and carefully.


are top listed schools across Pakistan . And if you are in them , pleases do not join academy for any reason as it would just a wastage a money for you . And if you have some different schooling then again it is utmost necessary now to join some quality academy .

Green Hall
Lahore Learning Campus
to name a few in Lahore .

Choosing Subjects !
My best advice would be taking up only 9 subjects ( 8 compulsory and 1 optional ) . The 1 optional subject would save you if by chance you get a B in any other subject especially English , the dangerous monster ! The optional subject could be ( listed by my preference )

Combined Science ( same syllabi as of phy , bio , chem) (simplest of all)
Urdu B
World History

So be careful in choosing your subjects , but it would be just a waste to opt 12 or 15 subjects as it would totally of no value later. It just divide your attention from your compulsory subjects and later turn out to be a source of regret .

       Now is the most important part of your exam , the preparation . Make your full preparation  at least 1.5 months before your exam . Read carefully all your notes and books but it is the need of hour that you must study them conceptually . Learning them by heart would be of no use as there are complete unseen questions. The remaining half month would be for the revision and the last part would be only and only for past papers . It is my advice to do at least 5 years past papers of all the subjects you opted for !

would help you in getting past papers of all subjects .

                                   FINAL WORDS !
Now that you have chosen this system , just go for it . Remember nothing is impossible . Just believe in yourself and work hard , success would be yours . Good Luck !

“ Allah Almighty has only given you the capacity to work hard , Success and failure is determined by Him . Remember a person never looses unless he himself accepts it “
                                                          ---- IMRAN KHAN 

Rheostat and working

Rheostat is wire wounded resistance. It has two uses. It can be either used as variable resistor or potential divider.

We have two terminal that are connected to the wire . Suppose that a third terminal is also present, which is on top of other two terminals used as a sliding terminal.

Now , when we use the it as a variable resistor.
 We have to
 insert one terminal say A and sliding C , now we can say resistance of A and C is used. SO , when sliding terminal is moved away from point A Resistance increases and length do also, but when the sliding terminal is moved towards the point A length as well resistance decreases.

Kirchhof's Rules

The current flowing through the conductor is directly proportional to potential difference and rules of series and parallel combination are mostly used to analyze simple circuits with more than one resistance. BUT in many other cases , we have more than resistance which makes a complex circuit ,to study that phenomena we have kirchhoff's rule.
Which can be simple defined as sum of all current meeting at a point is zero i.e suppose you have currents move in four directions but they meet a point , just like nerves of human system.
We know that when a current move towards the point, the current is taken as positive
And when the current is moving away from the point, it is taken as negative.
So now we move towards kirchhofs second rule i.e sum of potential change in a closed circuit is zero
Suppose that we have two values of current . One is greater than the other which means when the current suppose A Is passes through A1 it is moving from low to high potential and when current B movng through B1 lose some energy because it is passing from high to low potential.
And when it passes from low to high potential it gains some
As we know in this case both the values counter each other and their sum would be zero
So the conclusion that we can make is if an emf moves from - to + terminal potential is + Whereas when it moves from + to - potential is negative

Electrolysis Explanation

A very important process termed as electrolysis involves the passage of direct electric current from an A very important process termed as electrolysis involves the passage of direct electric current to carry out a chemical reaction that is non spontaneous
It is highly crucial process for industrial scale in cleaning impure metals, electroplating, production of useful substances and many more.
As far as its process is involves DC that flows through electrolyte. And ionize it
The main parts of this process worth mentioning are:
ELECTROLYTE:the substance that underfo ionization and provide free charge carriers to the current to pass through
ELECTRODES: The electric conductors that provide physical interface between electrolyte and external circuit.
DIRECT CURRENT (DC) SUPPLY: energy required for ionization
To elaborate the process further let us take an example of electrolysis of brine.
Electrodes used are of graphite and the electrolyte is brine.
When DC is passed through the solution by completing the external circuit. Ionization takes place and reduction takes place at cathode. Thus hydrogen ions pick up electrons and hydrogen gas is bubbled out.
On the other hand oxidation takes place at anode and chlorine gas is evolved.
It a very useful process for obtaining chlorine gas,hydrogen gas, and sodium hydroxide.
Now let us discuss various uses and applications of electrolysis in chemistry
It is used for electroplating: the process of depositing a thin layer of precious metal to ordinary one in order to decorate or protect it. The metal to be deposited is made as cathode and that on which deposition is to be made is placed as anode.
Cathode gradually dissolves in solution and ions after picking electrons are deposited at anode.
Secondly it is used for the purification of impure metals: for instance if copper is to be purified. It is made cathode and a thin copper rod acts as anode. Cathode is dissolved in electrolyte that is copper sulphate solution. And pure copper is deposited at anode.. all impurities are settled below the solution.
Moreover, it is used for electrometallurgy: separation of metals from their ores
It is used for production of chlorine gas, aluminium, sodium, hydrogen gas, and many more useful substances.
It is used for cleaning a wide range of metals including old coins and ranging up to the huge rusted cast iron blocks that are used for manufacturing automobile parts and many other things